National Supplier Clearinghouse Advisory Committee (NSCAC) Questions Online Form
The NSCAC is an organization comprised of individuals that are representing their respective DME MAC Jurisdiction Advisory Committees/Councils in all four jurisdictions in the United States. It was formed with the purpose of; improving communication between the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC), now the National Provider Enrollment (NPE), and the supplier community, suggesting to the NPE targeted educational opportunities regarding supplier number obligations to DMEPOS suppliers, and creating a problem solving/communication link between the DMEPOS supplier community and the NPE contractors. The NSCAC meets regularly with the senior management of the NPE's. The NPE's have recognized the NSCAC as a liaison to the industry.
See link below to submit questions to the NSCAC. The compiled questions on a quarterly basis will then be submitted to the NPE's for response. These meetings are intended to discuss and resolve broad issues and problems with the NPE's, rather than individual provider’s issues. When you do submit a question, provide appropriate documentation if needed. NPE personnel answer the questions in writing, which are then posted on this website and distributed to the NSCAC membership to share with Advisory Committees/Councils and state associations.
Please submit questions via the link to Online Form below.
Disclaimer: This website is not a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or National Provider Enrollment (NPE) website and is not sanctioned by them. While the NSCAC will strive to provide the most up to date information possible, in today's rapidly changing DME/HME environment the National Supplier Clearinghouse Advisory Committee (NSCAC) cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information being provided. The NSCAC Executive Committee and its members are not liable for any inaccuracies which may occur or for any losses which may result from information contained on this website.